Post Surgical PT: Your Bestie After Surgery
PT steps in to speed up your healing and restore your mobility. Think of it as a way to reclaim all the things that surgery may have put on pause—like walking, running, or picking up that giant bag of groceries without wincing.
At Elite Physical Therapy, we roll up our sleeves to help you recover with the highest quality care. Whether you're hopping back into your favorite sport or just aiming to get through your day without groaning, we’re here to help get you there.

How’s that New Years Resolution coming?
You don’t have to sacrifice doing the things you love or the things that keep you active and well. North Idaho, especially Coeur d’Alene, is a beautiful place and so many of our patients have outdoor hobbies: pickleball, hiking, biking, running, walking, skiing, snowboarding, golf– there are too many things to list! Get out there and enjoy them! Reach out to us if you need help!

Low Back Pain: Causes and How Physical Therapy Can Help
If your low back pain is persistent, severe, or affecting your daily life, it’s time to consider physical therapy. Some signs that you could benefit from PT include:
You’ve had back pain for a few weeks or longer.
Pain is making it hard to perform regular activities (like walking, sitting, or standing).
You’ve tried rest and over-the-counter pain medications but haven’t seen much improvement.
Your doctor suggests physical therapy as a way to treat or manage your back pain.
The earlier you start, the better! Physical therapy is most effective when you catch problems early, before they become chronic or lead to further complications.

Comparing Graston Technique vs. Typical IASTM: What the Research Says
When it comes to treating muscle and joint issues, Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) has become a popular go-to for many physical therapists. You may have also heard of the Graston Technique—it uses specialized tools to work on soft tissue problems, claiming to speed up healing and reduce pain. But does it really stand out from other IASTM methods in terms of effectiveness?

How To: Properly Fitting Sports Equipment
We’ve all been there – maybe it was a helmet that slid around like it was on ice, shoes that fit like a pair of clown shoes, or a chest guard that felt more like a straitjacket. Wearing the wrong size equipment isn't just uncomfortable, it's dangerous. If your gear doesn’t fit properly, it can do more harm than good. So, let’s dive into how to properly fit your sports equipment—no straitjackets, I promise.

Get Sucked In: Cupping Benefits
If you’ve been a patient at Elite Physical Therapy and Performance, you already know that we use a wide range of manual therapy techniques to help you feel better and get back to doing what you love. One of these techniques is cupping- no, it's not a new coffee trend, but it might perk you up just as much!

Making Waves: How Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent and Treat Water Sports Injuries
It’s summer in Coeur d’Alene! That means lots of good times spent on the lake! Whether you're carving through waves on a surfboard, slicing through the water with your jet ski, or trying to gracefully ski behind a boat, preparing your body will help.

Shoulder and Elbow Woes: A Guide to Little League Injuries
If you're worried your child might have Little League Shoulder or Elbow, give us a call at (208)666-6665 to schedule an appointment, or request one online at: www.GoElitePT.com/contact
Ryan will diagnose the issue and recommend the best treatment plan. Let's get your young athlete back to doing what they love—without the pain!

Got Yardwork? We’ve Got Your Back.
With spring in full swing, it’s prime time to get out in the garden, soak up some sun, and flex those green thumbs! But before you dive headfirst into your gardening endeavors, let’s chat about some tips to keep you healthy, happy, and injury-free while you cultivate your garden oasis.

Avoiding Golfers’ Worst Enemy: Low Back Pain
Come see our Titleist Performance Institute Medical 2 Certified provider Ryan to fine-tune your technique and address any potential areas of concern. With the right tools and knowledge at your disposal, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges of the course while keeping your low back happy and healthy. Call us at (208)666-6665 or fill out our contact form on this website.

Pre-Season Strengthening: Key Components for Injury Prevention
Pre-season is a critical time for baseball and softball athletes to focus on strengthening exercises that can help prevent injuries and enhance performance. While it may seem daunting, understanding the essential components of pre-season strengthening can make the process more manageable and effective.

Winter Wonderland: A Guide to Fall Prevention and Injury Recovery in Winter Sports
So, you had a little tumble. It happens to the best of us. Come see us! We can help you get out of pain and back on the slopes. Whether you just tweaked your knee or you end up having surgery to fix your fall-injury, we can help. We'll hook you up with custom rehab exercises to get you back on track – making sure you're back to strength, flexibility, and functionality in no time!

It’s Skiing and Snowboarding Season: Keep Yourself Injury Free!
Let us help you develop a training program that will keep you on the slopes!

Champion Sports Specialist
We are Champion Performance Specialists- trained in a proven system for restoring, optimizing, and enhancing the performance of athletes- whether weekend warriors or professional athletes.

The McKenzie Method
It’s the most researched & reliable physical therapy method available for treatment of the low back and beyond. It means you will have the tools to manage your own pain, stiffness and ability. It means you’ll learn to promote your body’s potential to repair itself!

TPI golf tune-up
How was your golf season? Are you experiencing pain or do you want to get your swing dialed for next season? Do you have an unexplained loss of power? Maybe you just want to perfect your form.

Benefits of dry needling
Dry needling helps you! That’s why we offer it! Dry needling reduces pain and improves function. It has proven effective at treating a range of ailments, including spinal pain, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and other tendon-related troubles.